Golden Spread Emmaus
What Is Emmaus?
History Of Emmaus
Video Introduction
Emmaus Weekend
Board Of Directors
Walk Details
Walk Schedule
Pilgrim List Women's Walk #282
Pilgrim List Men's Walk #283
Community Locations
Video Introduction
Time Frames
Directions To Talon Point
Directions To Ceta Canyon
Chrysalis Application
Flight Schedule
Caterpillar List Girl's Flight #134
Directions To Ceta Canyon
Video Introduction
Chrysalis Contact
Applications & Forms
Pilgrim Application
Sponsor Application
Chrysalis Application
Clergy Application
Sponsor Guidelines
Sponsor's Letter to Family/Friends
Text Message Sign Up
Name Tags
Yes Sheet
Newsletter Archives
Pilgrim Registration
Team Registration
Event Registration
Golden Spread Emmaus & Chrysalis – Yes Sheet
To ensure the list of potential Team Members is accurate, please submit a new Yes Sheet once a year
Indicates required field
Date Of Birth
In The Form Of xx/xx/xxxx
❉ ❉ ❉ At Least One Phone Number Is Required
❉ ❉ ❉
Home Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Please Use Abbreviation
I attended my Walk to Emmaus at:
Walk #
I attended my Chrysalis Flight at:
Flight #
Working Options
I would like to work an Emmaus Walk
I would like to work a Chrysalis Flight
Eligibility guidelines/progressive service information:
To be considered for a Conference Room Team, you must be active in a local church and a Reunion/Small Group.
Are you active in a local church?
Name of Local Church:
Are you active in a Reunion or other accountability group?
Name Reunion or Accountability Group
I will prayerfully consider serving in the following areas (Check all that apply):
Music Team
Music Director
Assistant Music Director
I play the following instruments:
Conference Room Team (Check all that apply)
Spiritual Director
Asst. Spiritual Director
Lay Director
Asst. Lay Director
Table Leader
Asst. Table Leader
Behind The Scenes Team (Check all that apply)
Behind the Scenes Team (BST) Coordinator
BST Team (Come and Go)
Medical Assistance (MD, NP, PA, RN, LVN, EMT)
BST Team (Stay Entire Weekend)
Technology Support (Come and Go)
I have previously served in the following areas (Check all that apply)
Spiritual Director
Asst. Spiritual Director
Lay Director
Asst. Lay Director
Table Leader
Asst. Table Leader
Music Director
Asst. Music Director
Inside Board Representative
Provided Music for Special Dinner
Provided Music for Candlelight
I have previously served in the following areas Continued (Check all that apply)
Behind the Scenes Coordinator
Behind the Scenes Team Member
Provided Table or Pillow Agape
Provided Snack Agape
Participated in 72 hour Prayer Vigil
Other: Please Explain:
Progressive Servanthood:
The purpose of an established progression of responsibilities for Emmaus/Chrysalis community members is twofold: Leadership training and spiritual development. A person’s readiness to carry out his or her particular assignment effectively often depends on and is always enhanced by prior experience in another position. The progression of responsibilities starts with support roles (behind-the-scenes, providing agape, serving at Emmaus/Chrysalis events) and then moves into the conference room. Entry positions for the conference room team are either assistant table leader or table leader. Experience in both positions is necessary before progressing to assistant lay director. Having served in one position does not automatically assure that the person will move to the next step in the progression.
Anonymous Positions of Servanthood:
Emmaus/Chrysalis leadership begins and ends with anonymous positions of servanthood, such as serving Behind the Scenes, participating in the 72 hour prayer vigil, and providing agape. This kind of sacrifice and servanthood is the heart of Emmaus/Chrysalis and is where the development of Christian leadership begins. Those who seek “important jobs” probably need to be assigned more humble tasks for their own sake as well as for the good of the community. Those who first give of themselves wholeheartedly and joyfully to the humblest duties are probably the ones who eventually need to be with the pilgrims in the conference room, setting an example and sharing their spirit.
Team Members pay the same fee as pilgrims with payment due by the 3rd team meeting. Behind the Scenes Team Members staying the entire weekend also pay the same fee as pilgrims.